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Article in Body and Soul

If you’re exhausted all the time and can’t seem to get your energy levels up, it’s time to get back on track.

Fatigue is a very common complaint that presents to the general practice setting. In fact studies indicate that at least one out of every one hundred patients are suffering from some level of consistent fatigue. This can be particularly problematic in terms of ability to work and juggle home and family responsibilities when people feel constantly tired; not to mention finding the energy for exercise and other self-care activities. Frustratingly, only around 8 per cent of individuals will find a definitive medical cause for their fatigue as much of fatigue is thought to be caused by stress and anxiety or depression, which has no specific testing available.

Saying that, there are a handful of medical conditions, some of which can be serious, that can cause fatigue and so a full medical check-up is recommended to rule these out. Such conditions include iron deficiency anaemia, thyroid diseases, diabetes, sleep disorders, chronic infection, liver and kidney problems, heart conditions, as well as malignancy.

Once these conditions have been properly ruled out by your local doctor the following tips may be helpful in overcoming constant fatigue.

1. Prioritise a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is so imperative to repair and restore our body that often the first thing to do to fix fatigue is to make sure we are consistently getting a good night’s sleep. Practice good sleep hygiene which includes avoiding electronic devices before bed, turning down the lights in the evening, making sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet, and avoid caffeine after 3pm in the afternoon.

2. Reduce Stress

Stress saps your energy so practice stress reduction strategies regularly such as taking time-out, doing meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and by not overcommitting to too many activities at once.

3. Put Back What You Give Out

Many of us give so much of our time, energy, and care to others that we have nothing left to give to ourselves. This results in feeling worn out and resentful. Try and take half a day a week to give back to yourself by doing self-care activities such as having a massage, going for a walk, or taking time to journal or do something creative.

4. Eat Clean

This means reduce processed foods that are often high in refined sugars, which will drain your energy and in the long-term leave you feeling flat and flabby. Replace these foods with plenty of fresh unprocessed foods like fruit, vegetables, nuts, and unsweetened dairy.

Hopefully these tips will help improve your fatigue levels so that you can enjoy life to the full.

#healthyhabits #healthyliver

Dr Cris

Holistic Medical Doctor, Author ‘Healthy Habits, 52 Ways to Better Health‘ and Healthy Liver

Healthy Liver by Dr. Cris Beer