Metabolism refers to all the chemical processes going on continuously inside our bodies that maintain normal body functioning, including building and repairing our body tissues….
Metabolism refers to all the chemical processes going on continuously inside our bodies that maintain normal body functioning, including building and repairing our body tissues….
Quite often I see newly motivated individuals start an exercise regime and shortly afterwards develop an injury. This can often be a disappointing setback. But…
Transcript Hi everyone Dr Cris here with The Ask Dr Cris show. The next question is about intense flavours somebody’s craving things with intense flavour,…
Transcript Dr Cris here with The Ask Dr Cris Show. Today’s question comes from someone wondering about genetically modified produce. It is a really topical…
What is So Bad About Sugar? Sugar intake is not harmful in small amounts, however if you are having sugar in excess it can lead…
Stress is so toxic to our bodies that it poisons your body and mind to the point where you can be totally incapacitated. Worst of…
Portion control can be a challenge for all of us particularly in today’s society where food is abundant. The average portion sizes have significantly increased…
Self-care is so critical to mental and physical health that I would recommend that we place it at the top of our priority list. This…
When it comes to fruit-and-vegetable intake ideally, we should aim to eat around two serves of fruit and at least five serves of vegetables per…
Transcript Dr Cris here with The Ask Dr Cris Show. Today’s question is about Integrative Doctors and how does someone find an integrative Doctor? Being…