Transcript Dr Cris here with the Ask Dr Cris Show. Bridget would like to know ‘how do I test for breast cancer?’ Obviously there has…

Article in Body and Soul Your liver is your body’s key detox organ and is essential to feeling well. Here are some ways on how to…

Article in Body and Soul I am taking medication for rheumatoid arthritis and was wondering what else I can do to manage this condition. Rheumatoid…
Transcript Dr Cris here with ‘The Ask Dr Cris Show’. Today’s question comes from Max and he wants to know ‘how do I fix my…

Article in Body and Soul I limit screen time for my young children but have noticed that they tend to slump when using the devices. What…

Article in Body and Soul Nowadays you can buy a supplement for just about anything. But do these actually work and should everyone be taking…

Article in Body and Soul Feeling weighed down by Easter excess? Lighten the load with these simple tips. First up, I need to say that…

Article in Body and Soul I am 42 years old and came off the contraceptive pill several months ago and still haven’t got my period….

Article in Body and Soul If you’re not quite ready for a life of nappies and sleepless nights, freezing your eggs might seem like an…
Transcript Hi, Dr Cris here with the Ask Dr Cris Show. Today’s question comes from Paul and he wants to know ‘how do I avoid…