Transcript Hi everyone, and welcome to The Dr Chris Show. Today’s question comes from Jasmine she wants to know what causes painful periods. They are…
Transcript Hi everyone, Dr Cris here bringing you the Dr Cris show. Today’s question comes from John he wants two know could the stress in…
Transcript Hi everyone, Dr Chris here with The Ask Dr Cris Show. Today’s question comes from Sue, she wants to know could I have an…
Transcript Hi everyone, it is Dr Cris here for The Ask Dr Cris Show. This week I have a question from Ralph and that relates…
Transcript Hi everyone, Dr Cris here for the Dr Cris Show. I have a question this week from Jean, and Jean asks how can I…
Transcript: Hi everyone, so the first question for today as part of the Dr Cris show comes from my husband and he’s an athlete and…
Episode 1: Welcome to the ‘Ask Dr Cris’ show – Your medical questions answered Transcript: Hi everyone, welcome to the new Dr Cris show, where…

23rd December 2015 I was invited onto the Luke and Susie Show to discuss ‘Eating an Elephant’ and the answer is one bite at a…
Historically it has been suggested that rising early is better for our health. Many of the world’s past and present leaders are supporters of this notion….
If YOU want this year to be different and finally start living a healthier, happier life then the following might be helpful for you to…