Transcript Dr Cris here with the Ask Dr Cris Show. Today’s question comes from Jack and he wants to know ‘is sugar really that bad…

Article in Body and Soul It can be difficult to distinguish between anxiety and stress as they can present in a similar way. There are,…

Article in Body and Soul We all know what is feels like to overeat and be so full that we are almost physically sick. So…
Transcript Dr Cris here with the Ask Dr Cris Show. Bridget would like to know ‘how do I test for breast cancer?’ Obviously there has…

Article in Body and Soul Your liver is your body’s key detox organ and is essential to feeling well. Here are some ways on how to…

Article in Nova Magazine Water is the single most important nutrient that our bodies need and it is involved in almost every bodily function. With around…

Article in Body and Soul I am taking medication for rheumatoid arthritis and was wondering what else I can do to manage this condition. Rheumatoid…
Transcript Dr Cris here with ‘The Ask Dr Cris Show’. Today’s question comes from Max and he wants to know ‘how do I fix my…

Article in Body and Soul I limit screen time for my young children but have noticed that they tend to slump when using the devices. What…

Article in Body and Soul Nowadays you can buy a supplement for just about anything. But do these actually work and should everyone be taking…